Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ingin menjadi Fan Club Cikgu K**al?

Ingin menjadi Fan Club Cikgu K**al?
Sila hantarkan nama jarak email ke 999.

Kah kah, banat berhenti menulis sekarang dan keluar ikut pintu belakang!

1)Sumber SMS dari Iman
2)Ijat, me tau ko akan cakap ini lawak ahli neraka.
3)Zatul and Nad, surat rayuan keluar dari fan Club ditolak, walaupun tak pernah apply untuk masuk. Sangat kejam.

Ok, sila noticed yang cik banat sedang mengalami tekanan perasaan di malam hari kerana akan di observe esok. Ah, dah tak bertenaga untuk ketawa berbentuk kah kah kah lagi.

Edit on 22nd April
Info Tambahan:

1.Perjumpaan pertama mungkin akan diadakan dalam masa terdekat di kedai A*y Karm*la.
2.Keahlian sudah semakin bertambah kerana setiap orang yang mempersoalkan tentang Fan Club ini akan terus diserap menjadi ahli tanpa rasa sangsi. (Zura, kery, yan, tiqah dsb)
3.Terima Kasih kepada semua yang 'sudi' join kelab ini.Ingat, tempoh keahlian anda sehingga hujung nyawa! Bertenang, bertenang...saya tahu, anda pasti sangat gembira!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

praktikum.. oh praktikum..

Melalui program praktikum ini, guru pelatih dapat:

menyepadukan teori dan amali pengajaran pembelajaran

menguasai pelbagai strategi pengajaran pembelajaran dalam bilik darjah

mengenal pasti dan menyelesaikan masalah pengajaran pembelajaran;

memupuk sikap positif, membentuk daya kefahaman, mengamalkan dan menghayati nilai profesion keguruan

mengamalkan refleksi dan penilaian kendiri dalam semua aspek tugas bagi memperbembangkan potensi diri sebagai pendidik melalui catatan refleksi dalam portfolio

menguasi pelbagai strategi, perancangan dan pelaksanaan gerak kerja kokurikulum

Mengoptimumkan kegunaan sumber teknologi dalam proses pengajaran pembelajaran

menguasai kemahiran pemudahcaraan

bleh capai smua tu tak ni?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

masalah utama praktikum:

1. pelajar yg ntah pape prangainyer. ske wat bising, xdgr kate, mngada2, blagak, n mcm2 g..

2. pelajar yg x phm english.. kte speaking english dia tngaga jer..

3. lesson plan yg kne wat ari2.kdg2 kekeringan idea nk ajo pe g..

4. masa. xckup mase nk prepare lesson, nk wat abm, nk tdo, nk njoy..hehe

5. guru2 sekolah yg x rmh ne.. kte cm dipinggirkan cm x wjud kt sekolah tu.. ade ke gtu?

6. pensyarah.. mcm2 dia nk. nk puaskn ati pnsyarah semasa kne observe. kdg2 mereka x mmahami situasi kite..huhu..

7. bebanan sekolah.. pihak sekolah bg tugas mcm2. yg x bkenaan pn kte kne wat. meeting ari2..

8. kreativiti. xckup kreatif nk wat lesson jd mnarik. xtau cmne cara nk mnarik plajar minat ngn pe yg kite nk ajar..

9. sense of humor? xde sense of humor mase ngajo.serius smacam jer..bdk2 xsronok nk blajo,ckgu tlampau serius.btul ke?

10. sekolah jauh. kne bgn awl tiap2 pg.dh r tdo lwt, kne plak bgn awal coz sekolah 32km dr institut. xckup rht, otak lmh, asyik ngantuk jer..

yang manekah masalah paling kritikal?

Monday, April 13, 2009

planning vs implementation..huhu..

saya yakin kawan2 semua sudah menjalani praktikum dengan hebatnya sekarang ni. musim pening membuat lesson plan, abm.. musin tido tidak menentu..
kadang2 kita hampir2 berputus asa apabila apa yang kita rancangkan tidak menjadi seperti yang diimpikan. saya tau.. semuanya boleh dikatakan bersengkang mata untuk persiapan mengajar untuk keesokkan hari.. namun, betullah seperti pepatah nie..
"merancang itu mudah, tapi melaksana itu belum tentu "
haha.. tu pepatah ke? lebih kurang gitu arr..

pergi praktimum ni agk mmberi tekanan.. tambah plak ade jer yg x kena..huh..

apa yang menambahkan sakit ati lagi adalah :
1) pelajar wat perangai mase kne observe. time xde sape observe dia ok jer, bile ade jer lecturer or ckgu pmbimbing dtg observe dia mula r wat prangai mcm2. kls pn trus jd havoc..huhu

2) pelajar mengada2 nk main bola mase PJ kite. bkn kite xde xtiviti, tp diorg mmg minat nk main bola jer.. wat xtiviti pn x minat. asyik2 mintak.. "teacher, main bola!!"

3) tdo kol 3 pg smata2 nak wat lesson plan and abm. tp.. sungguh mengecewakan bile ape yg dirancang jd ntah pape. planning bukan main g..3 xtviti..tp 1 pn bkn main susah nk capai..adus.. skt jiwa..

4) fikir nk wat xtviti cam nk pecah kepala tp lecturer dtg kata xckup kreatif. adus..cmne lagi r nk kreatif..dia xtau ke kte bkn main g sampai xtdo mikir xtiviti tu.. dia sdp2 kate x kreatif ne..

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

special pose for magazine??

aren't they look like actors?
aren't they look like models?
well, maybe..
whatever you think, don't be jealous coz you are not in the picture. these are the members that accompany students from UK during the trip visiting Terengganu last week. it was really interesting and we do enjoy the trip well. :-)

Heads behind big tree

what are they doing? playing hide and seek? naah..
they are only showing their heads. why? because a picture of a big tree is not as interesting as a picture of a big tree and smiling faces behind it. isn't it?? haha..

under ship??

we are not on a ship, but we are under a big ship. as you can see, there is a stair for us to go up onto the ship, but we prefer to take a shot under it. it was really nice to be to the biggest museum in Malaysia, at Losong, Terengganu.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

enjoying ourselves before going to school

well, as you can see in the photo, we have finally climbed Bukit Puteri. it was beautiful up there. we can see Terengganu riverview from the top of the hill. we can also see the state stadium! Stadium Gong Badak..

a visit to crystal mosque

yesterday we had taken them to visit crystal mosque, at Pulau Duyong. It was raining when we depart from the institute. however, it turned very hot as we arrived at the Taman Tamadun Islam. It was really hot as i could hardly open my eyes. they also took the opportunity to have a look inside the mosque. they were lucky that there was a 'akad nikah' ceremony being held inside the mosque. they could know better about our islamic culture, on how the wedding ceremony being performed. (i don't know whose wedding it was, but the bride was lucky that their picture will be shown to other UK people)
congratulations to the brides! may your wedding last forever..


when the UK students first arrive in Terengganu, we took them to NR Cafe to have some dinner. they were served with rice, tomyam, sweet sour fish and also steam fish. they seem to enjoy the meal.. (maybe they were really hungry at the time?)
after a few days being in Terengganu, we decided to take them to Pizza Hut. well, it's pity to hear that they only take yogurt for dinner and breakfast. that night, they finally has found their favourite food. sarah and lauren ordered one large pizza. i was quite shock at the time, as they oredered the largest pizza and it was for the two of them! for me, that size of pizza can be eaten by 4 person. maybe they are very excited to have the meal, and they take the opportunity to eat a lot. well, in UK it cost them about 15 pound per pizza, it was double the prize in Malaysia. it is CHEAP!!

director of IPGM KDRI & UK students

the director of our institute, En. Mohamad bin Ngah, had also taken a chance to meet and greet the students from UK. he was very pleased to see them and hoping that they will be able to adapt to the new environment.

special performance from UK

here are our new friends performing a song during morning assembly at IPGM KDRI on April 1st, 2009.
from left:
sarah, charlotte, sophie, emma, lauren, harriette and james.
nice to meet you all. hope that you'll be enjoying your days in Terengganu.
for your information, they are now joining us in our internship. hope that they like being in our school (naughty children noisy, environment?)

Friday, April 3, 2009

new friends from UK

On 30th March, 7 friends from UK had arrived in Terengganu. We are very excited to welcome them to Terengganu. They will be here for a month. they will also join us in schools for internship.
welcome to terengganu..
Enjoy your days over here..